Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Man gets arrested to get medical benefits?

Haha, you may see this picture and laugh with wonder, of why this man would do such a thing! Well If you haven't read yahoo's headlines today, then you are now hearing for the first time that this man ( James Richard Verone) robbed a bank for $1.00 whole dollar so that he could recieve better medical care.  You see, James had just lost his job and benefits and was at a dead end. In this economy with no insurance, you either go to the hospital when you are in pain or deal with it. Well there's another option, GO TO JAIL! Yes, you heard correct. You see jails have 100 percent medical and dental for there inmates. In fact, James is not the first to be arrested for such a reason, there are many others. It is very sad when the world is this bad that you have to subject yourself to jail for medical treatment. Obama, what the hell? Bush, what the hell? We have alot of problems and this is one of the few. I for one am sad to see this man has to endure this for medical attention. Yet, happy that he finally ot the proper care he deserves. It shouldnt matter whether you hve insurance, what social class you are, etc. If we need care, we need it. Plain and simple. If the government cannot deal with that, then they need to pass a bill on it. A better more sufficiant bill! I for one think I should go rob a 7 eleven for a slushie and get arrested. I mean If I can get all this, shoot ill get my whole family arrested. Haha! Thats a BIG J.K!!! (Just kidding)!!! Well thats all for now. Here is the link to further the story!

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Casey Anthony Trial

So, I have been following this case in and out for a few years now. Its unbelievable how this mother could kill her daughter! Yes, Im accusing her. Its as plain as day! The evidence is there, she murdered her beautiful little girl so she could party etc. I hope she gets the death penalty! She shows no emotion in court, her fake tears dont count for anything. I feel sorry for her parents because now theyve lost thier grand daughter and soon to be daughter. But If Casey Anthony was my daughter I would have front row seats to watch her fry! Casey as far as im concerned has lied herself way to deep to dig out! I am sure the jury has already come to a decision and I hope they will not prolong this trial any longer than its gone on. The facts are there, lets end this! Lets give Caylee Anthony some justice.
RIP Caylee!!!

Newest Updated Video of Trial:

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Brace Face

So today is the day! Yes, you assumes correct, I am 25 and getting braces. Though it is not my first endevor with braces. I did also have them when I was a young teen. No fun. I am getting them for one purpose only and that is to correct my bite before I am fitted with a bote splint due to my TMJ problems. So I am going to Orthodontic Specialists Of Florida. Listen If you want straight teeth for an affordable price, this is the PLACE! I am only paying 139.00 a month! Tell me thats not a deal. Now its even more of a deal for me since I am only getting my top teeth aligned for 3 months. So this morning I am up at the crack of dawn. Well I was up ata 6 a.m. getting ready! My appointment is at 8:20 a.m. so I am popping some ibprofins now so Ill be all ready when Im there. So wish me luck today! I am not sure how this is going to affect my self esteem, but Im sure I can tough it out for only 3 months. TTFN Followers :)

Monday, June 13, 2011

So this is a blog?

So first off, Welcome to Che Che's blog! I appreciate you stopping by. Well I just thought I would give you a little insight on myself. I am 25 years young. Yes young, I am not old! I am a married, mother of two! I have a husband in which I have been married to since 2004 but weve been together since 1999 so that is a total of 12 years together. Our marriage is far from perfect but let me tell you this, what marriage truly is? My children are a young girl who is 5 and my young man who is 3. Names not disclosed for safety reasons. I also have a puppy names Boscoe. Hes a German Shepherd and I love him to kibbles. I appreciate him much more than any other animal because he is the spitting image of my late German Shepherd named Axle. Axle was only 1 and he was a very hyper active dog. He got into our garage one day and got into anti-freeze. When people warn you about dogs and antifreeze it is no joke. Axles innerds were crystalized in a matter of hours. He was dehydrated to the point he was crying and could no longer walk. I had no idea what he had gotten into. Then it clicked. Could he have injested something? I took him to the vet with my roomate and had to immediatly put him down. On my 25th birthday none the less.  So now we have Boscoe. It was hard losing my friend but what could I do. Hed want me to move on. Listen to me quoting my dead dog. Ugh! So about me. Since Im new to this blog thing forgive me and my ADD. I was born in Worcester Mass in 1986 to alovely mother and father who to this day are still happily married. In my younger years I was relocated with my family and brother and moved to Florida. Florida is much more different than up North, it is like two different worlds. It was very stressful for me. I was picked on and beat up, I nearly lost sight of everything that was important to me because I became a coward and hid. I was born with a certain OCD with picking my scabs when im nervous or when I have anxiety, so that didnt help in my school years. I mean If I liked a boy I was overlooked because of my never ending scars. Or my mole on my face, in which I hated. It didnt happen until highschool that I met my future husband. Michael. Man, Michael was gorgous to me! He was everything I ever looked for. Him and I got along so well. We sat near each other always and passed notes. It was a typical teen crush for me. Who would have thought at that time that him and I would marry. Not me? Especially with such low self esteem. And here we are now in 2011. Go figure! Well since we now have kids and everything Id say were pretty settled down. Ive had a few health problems along the way. Such as but not limited to endemetriosis. Talk about stress! Endemetriosis is total hell! I had it so bad I had to have a complete hysterectomy at the young age of 23! I am going thru surgical menopause at my age. Its not easy and this blog is to help get these emotions out and breathe easily. Since im only on medicaid im limited to get the help I need when I need it. So here I am, going thru menopause, and no doctora wanna give me hormone replacements. Its  tough life yes, but I cant say im not blessed. If it wasnt for this surgery I would have never found god!! You know life is crazy sometimes. You never know what will happen. Well I guess thats enough jib jabbing for today! Ill be more organized in my next blogs to come! I get braces tomorrow on my top teeth, oh joy. Talk about feeling young again! haha! Ill explain that later.